
Author(s): Çiğdem ÖZKAN Erdem TEMELOĞLU

Nowadays, with transition to information society, entrepreneurship has begun to gain more importance. Persons have become more desirous to use the theoretical and practical knowledge they have gained in their education life for their own work. In addition, entrepreneurship is also important for the growth, development and improvement of national economies. When viewed from this aspects, it is important to increase the level of entrepreneurship. The first way to find ways to increase the level of entrepreneurship is to understand entrepreneurship psychology. Sensations of entrepreneurship are based on the theory of entrepreneurship psychology. Sensations of entrepreneurship consist of three dimensions. These; a sense of internal control, a desire for independence and a risk taking tendency. From this point of view, aim of this study the determination of effect and levels on entrepreneurship potentials in tourism educations students’s sensations of entrepreneurship and comparing these this Sensations of entrepreneurship with entrepreneurship potentials with some demographic and occupational variables. According to the results of the research, there is a meaningful and correct relationship between the "feeling of internal control", "desire for independence" and "risk taking tendency" and “entrepreneurial potentials” of the students who get tourism education. When entrepreneurship is a potentially dependent variable, intrinsic control feelings and desire for independence are affected by 57% of the independent variables.


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