
Author(s): Dr. Melih TINAL

The historical meaning of our independence war was reunited with an important institution through the Grand Turkey National Assembly holding its first session on 23th. April 1920. With the opening of First Assembly having an extraordinary authorities with a feature of founder assembly, the concept of dominance based on a dynasty was replaced by a concept in which the source of hegemony was the nation. Among the members of the First Assembly having such a remarkable role in Turkish political life, there were also the doctors graduating from medical schools among the new institutions of the 19th. Century Ottoman-Turkish modernization movement. These 15 doctor deputies having a place in the seat brought from the schools in Ankara are; Mr. Dr. Adnan (Ad?var), Mr. Dr. Eref (Akman), Mr. Dr. Tevfik Rütü (Aras), Mr. Dr. Abidin (Atak), Mr. Dr. Mustafa evket (Bengisu), Mr. Dr. Mustafa Elvan (Cantekin), Mr. Dr. Mahzar (Germen), Mr. Dr. Ali Haydar, Mr. Dr. R?za Nur, Mr. Dr. Fikret (Onuralp), Mr. Dr. Refik (Saydam), Mr. Dr. Emin Erkul (Seyidolu), Mr. Dr. As?m (Sirel), Mr. Dr. Suat (Soyer) and Mr. Dr. Mehmet Fuat (Umay).


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