Author(s): Bahadır KILCAN
This study was conducted in the spring semester of the 2014-2015 academic year to determine the effect of the values education course, which is an elective course given at Gazi University Gazi Faculty of Education Department of Social Studies Education, on the views of pre-service teachers attending this department about introducing values, which are part of the social studies curriculum, to students and their perceptions regarding the values education. Qualitative research method and single-group pretest posttest weak experimental design without control group were used. Data were collected via the form for collecting data through metaphors and semi-structured interview form. The obtained data were analyzed through content analysis and descriptive analysis techniques. A difference was observed in the participants’ views regarding the values education from the pre-experiment period to the post-experiment period. In addition, while the participants argued before the experiment that values can be introduced to students through “activity-based teaching”, “teaching by acting as a model”, “teaching through drama and play”, “teaching through examples”, and “teaching by giving homework”, they stated after the experiment that values can be introduced through “values education approaches”, “activity-based teaching”, and “teaching by acting as a model”. Recommendations were put forward based on the research results
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