Author(s): Emine KIZILTAŞ UZUNALİ Abdurrahman Halit GÖRMEZ
Abstract In this study, the necessity of good governance in PPP from the point of dimension PPP reached, what are the principles of good governance in the systems of monitoring, control and encouragement provide cooperation and establish trust between the parties in terms of policy and practice and some suggestions are made. Firstly the literature review was made in this study, then the size and importance of the PPP’s were analyzed with official datas by using table and graphs. As a result of the analysis, the good governance model of the PPP should be developed and some proposals we brought forward for this reason. According to the findings, It was concluded that “public goods and service production” developed positively with the KÖIP model and this model was in interaction with the state budget. The hybrid structure of PPP models which has reached a significant size, necessitates the development of efficient governance standarts for PPP which creates an environment of trust for the public and private secto
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