
Author(s): Fatih GÜZEL

Some scholars claim that in Islam women have no right to rule the state. However, there have been many women who were remembered for that they were more powerful and good in ruling than some of the sultans and the padishahs since the early period of Islam. In the Abbasid Dynasty which has been accepted as most leading and magnificence of the Islamic civilizations, some of the women were able to find significant opportunities to rule the state affairs. Having made intensively many efforts to make their son to take the throne, those women enjoyed power as if they had been a sultan when their sons took the throne. Within the first two centuries of Abbasids some famous women such as Khayzuran, Zubaida and Shagab, do so. Specifically, Zubaida Sultan who was the wife of Harun Al-Rashid practiced such power and controls on government affairs she got the title of “Emîre”. Also, Sagar Sultan who was the mother of Caliph Muktadir was reported to have been ruled the state for more than twenty-five years and her period was titled as the period of the sovereign of women by the historians who were contemporary with her.


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