The Institutional Capacity Strengthening Model By The Village-Owned Business Entities (BUM Desa) In The District of Ciamis


Author(s): H. Soleh SURYA*

The establishment of BUM Desa is expected to be one of the efforts to increase the rural area and community income. Therefore, it is the time for the presence of the village to get serious attention from the central government with the compliance of policies related to economic empowerment carried out by collecting and institutionalizing community economic activities. In this case, the government applies a new approach that is expected to be able to stimulate and move the economy wheel in villages by the establishment of economic institutions that are fully managed by the village communities as Village-Owned Entities (BUM Desa). The object of this research is the Department of Community and Rural Area Empowerment (DPMD) of Ciamis District and BUM Desa which are spreaded around the district of Ciamis in which as many as 198 BUM Desa. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with a case study approach, the organization will obtain complete and in-depth data as well as credible and relevant so that the research objectives can be achieved, in order to understand the process or case in depth about the institutional capacity strengthening model by Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUM Desa) in the district of Ciamis. The conclusion: 1. The implementation of institutional strengthening model by BUM Desa in the district of Ciamis is not yet fully effective since there are still some of BUM Desa that are still not optimal in developing their organizations, for instance the compliance of BUM Desa does not so evolve in terms of planning, controlling, monitoring and coordinating; 2. There are factors that weaken BUM Desa in the district of Ciamis, including the framework preparation system of BUM Desa has not fully clarified the roles of each implementer. Thus, there is still duplication in terms of the division of tasks, responsibilities, and authorities among the head of business entities. Furthermore regarding organization, efforts to unite various partial goals into one common goal have not been fully implemented, and this has resulted in collaboration between business units and cross-village are not running effectively, especially efforts to draft AD/ART which is used as a reference. Each of the heads is not in accordance with the principles of good, effective and efficient BUM Desa management; and 3. Found a model that can be used effectively to strengthen BUM Desa in the district of Ciamis, can be said as a model that refers to: System, Organization and Individual.


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