
Author(s): Dilşen ONSEKİZ

Date of declaration of the republic to the present day, Kayseri city has experienced an important development and change to an industrial city from its historical identity of commercial city. In terms of manufacturing production activities in the city, dates back to the historical periods. However, twentieth century reveals the turning point of industrialization in the context of producing goods and services with the use of machine, having a share in economy of industry as a sector and being the dominant sector of industry at employment level. Living industrialization processes in the twentieth century are showed differences at the certain breaking points depending on the basic economical politics which followed in the country. The public investments of 1923-1960 period with the republic, the development of large and medium-scaled industry under the leadership of the private sector at the period of 1960-1980, the planned industrialization movements realized with the establishment of industrial estates and Organized Industrial Zone after 1980s are redefined Kayseri as a New Industrial Focus at the end of the century. These breaking points at the industrialization processes have also determined the development and the structure of employment. With the industrialization, the employment opportunities are both developed and qualitatively changed in the city. While the local labour was using, it has started to meet the labour source from more remote areas with the industrialization and the process of industrialization experienced in the city has brought the migration with it as well as large metropolitan cities parallel to the increase of employment opportunities. Depend on the location of industry and the structural change of employment, the interaction of industrialization and migration with the city is realized at social, economic and spatial dimensions. This interaction, especially in the context of spatial dimension, is revealed the basic determinative dynamics at the development of housing areas in the city. In this study, the interaction of industrial development and migration with the urban space is examined through housing areas in the processes of industrialization dealing with its factors and determinants and this interaction is discussed and evaluated in the context of relation between industry-migration-housing at historical periods (1923-1960, 1960-1980, post1980). K


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