
Author(s): Mehlika KÖYCEĞİZ* Merve AĞAÇDAN** Dicle AKAYDIN*** Elif YORGUN**** Fatma TEZEL ŞAHİN

In order that the education to be given at school, it is necessary that families be given more importance and be in positive contact with them. Therefore, making parents involvement in preschool education is of great importance in training them over child development and education. In addition, the role of family is one the components of the program and has a complementary quality in the program. In this context, the purpose of the current study was to investigate the place and importance of parent involvement studies in ME Preschool Education Programs. In this sense, the preschool education programs in the Board of Education, course books in preschool educational programs published, related researches and articles were examined in order to gather data. In the data obtained, the place, purpose of parent involvement studies in the preschool education programs released by ME in pre 1994, 2002, 2006 and 2013 were determined comparatively in terms of years. At the end of the study, it was found that parent involvement study have been given in ME Preschool Education Programs in detailed as years passed, and the importance given has increased. However, the desired level has not been achieved in the application dimension even though parent involvement studies were given in detail in the program.


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