
Author(s): Dr. Fikret ELMA

Globalization, which has great impact from 1980s in general and from the point of political developments and international system from 1989, fundementally changes the public life and the styles of thinking in todays world. As is known the importance of process after 1989 is not only the collapse of Soviet Union but also emerging of the new and independent nations from East Europe to Central Asia and Caucasia and the usherance of a preiod of new-world-order. Those nations trending to democracy and market economy has brought both the rumours of “the end of world`, the victory of liberal democracies and some new theories depending on the energy situated in Central Asia and Caucasia like, “Great Chess” , “The New Great Play” , “Great Central Asia” and “NeoEuroasianism”. To sum up the Collapse of Soviet Union has not only opened windows of Central Asia and Caucasia to the world but also has made this lands a point of importance in a short time. So it can be easily noticed that all the great forces including USA, European Union and China pay importance on this lands. The attention of the great powers has brought conflicts to the area as well. .This of course effects the people living on the land both negativly and positively. It is evident that Russian Federation that regards itself a natural inheritor of the Soviet Union and implements the area as its back garden prepares various strategies and policies. In fact, recently, as it has been on Georgia example, Russia do not hesitate to use alternatives of warm aggression and military intervention. The fundemantal of this paper deals with South Caucasia that these developments are felt deeply and has great relations with Turkey. South caucasia is in a strategic position due to the energy sources , oil rings , the transportaion facilities, complicated etnic structure, conflicts and cooperation and being a door of Central Asia. In this paper within the frame mentioned the problems of integration and security above will be analized.


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  • The Journal of International Social Research / Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi ISSN: 1307-9581, an international, peer-reviewed, on the web publication, from 2007 will be issued least four times annualy.
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