
Author(s): Aydan BEKAR A. Metehan GÖVCE

This study was conducted in order to measure the relationship between food purchase behaviors of consumers and their life styles. The sample of this study consisted of 400 consumers at the age of 18 and above living in Mugla and purchasing food. As a data collection tool, a scale that is formed by the variables only about purchase from the scale of Food-Related-Lifestyle was used. With the purpose of determining the factors related to food purchase behavior and lifestyles of consumers, factor analysis was applied; for the aim of determining how many groups consumers would be divided according to their food purchase behavior and lifestyles, hierarchical cluster analysis was applied. As a result of hierarchical cluster analysis, consumers were divided into six clusters under the titles of “moderate, hedonist, innovative, reckless, pragmatist and intellectuals” according to their life styles. The socio demographical characteristics of consumers according to their life styles were compared with crosstab by using percent values. It was determined after the results of study that consumers in the same cluster displayed similar socio demographical characteristics and food purchase behaviors.


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