Author(s): Ali AYATA
The concept of identity constitutes the most basic and important source of the social system of society. Identity has a scope that symbolizes both cultural and the way of life, such as multidimensional beliefs, attitudes, values judgments, which are the counterparts of social place and status in the environments they live. Identities are produced, externalized, objectified and internalized in daily life. Woman, who plays a key role as the subject of the question “who” and in the formation of biological and cultural construction of identity in the period of the formation of National Identity could not find her well-deserved place in nationalism which is an ideology of power and in the political arena that nationalism is carried out. Within this scope, this study aims to analyze the place of woman as substantially belonging to the public sphere but who is excluded from the public sphere in modernization or construction of identities. In this sense, theories of nationalism will be analyzed in the first place within the frame of positivist methodology under subjects of modernity and nationalism. After wards, the debates on gender inherent nationalism which give a new impulse to the theories of nationalism will take place.
The Journal of International Social Research received 8982 citations as per Google Scholar report