The Story of Anna Morgan in Jean Rhys’s Voyage in the Dark


Author(s): Sezer Sabriye Ä°KÄ°Z

Jean Rhys (1890-1979) was one of the important women writers of the mid- twentieth century. Rhys was born in Dominica ( a formerly British colony in the Caribbean) to a Welsh father and a mother who is a third generation Dominican Creole of Scottish ancestry. Rhys's Creole heritage, her experiences as a white Creole woman, both in the Caribbean and in England, influenced deeply her life and writing. She is best known for Wide Sargasso Sea (1966). Rhys’s works have always been debate subjects in feminist, modernist, Caribbean, British, and postcolonial writing. Voyage in the Dark , Jean Rhys’s third novel, published in 1934, portrays the private tragedy of Anna Morgan who was grown up in the Caribbean among English parents and migrated to England in her mid-to late teens. Anna’s two year stay in England has not been going well. Anna works as a chorus girl and has an affair with much older Englishman. Later he dumps her. This leads her to prostitution and in the end she becomes pregnant and does not know the father of the baby. In the end, she dies while having an abortion. This paper aims to show Anna Morgan’s trauma and how and why she was displaced in her maternal culture. The parallels between Jean Rhys’s own life story and Anna Morgan’s story will also be explored.


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