Author(s): Orhan YILMAZâ¢
It is explained that the immorality of the world and the world, and the superiority of turning away from the world, and even a great virtue and virtue, are explained in the majority of moral books, especially in the Islamic world. The story, which is made up of the virtue and virtue in the works, mentioned by the concept of zühd in the mentioned works, is expressed with verses and hadiths besides gentle and humorous, as well as gentle. The main goal in the writing of these works is to bring the Muslim society to moral maturity and make it happy in the world and the hereafter. In the third century, which started in the second century, Hijri al-Muhâsibî (d. 243/857), Zünnûn el-M?srî (d. 245/859), Ma'rûf el-Kerhî (d. 200/815), Seri es- Sakatî (d. 251/865), Bi?r el-Hâfî (d. 227/841), Baayezîd-i Bestâmî (d. 234/848) and Cüneyd Ba?dadi (d. 297/909), matured in the hands of the famous Sufis and in the following centuries. The tradition of praising the life of zühd in the sense of turning away from the world, which was carried to the top with great Sufi and scholars such as 505/1111) continues today. When we look at the subject through the circumcision, which is the practice of the verses, it is understood that it is not suitable for Sunnah to turn a face to life from the world and that it will not be happy in the world and the hereafter. Because, according to the history, siyer and magazines books about the life of the Messenger of Allah, the Messenger of Allah, who most of the people claim to take as an example, warned his fellows who wanted to live a zuhd life by not pulling a hand-skirt from the world and saying that it is not me who turned away from my sunnah. This article focuses on the concept of the zuhd, which means leaving the world and being only engaged in worship, killing its nafs and being aunt of all desires and desires. The place of the Zühd lifestyle in Islamic thought and whether it is suitable for Islamic teachings taken from the Sunnah is discussed.
The Journal of International Social Research received 8982 citations as per Google Scholar report