
Author(s): Dr. Erkan GÖKSU

Kutadgu Bilig explaining the Turkish thought on state and society clearly and plainly also reflects aproaches of the Turks to war and art of war. In this respect, it is possible to determine main aspects of “Turkish Art of War” from Kutadgu Bilig. It is stated that the war is “the last solution that can be applied against enemies who are ignorant, evil, not in favour of peace and unjust. Additionally some advices about various topics of art of war are given to the rulers and commanders. The most important subject stressed on the book is to be cautious. Furthermore, themes like courage, generousness, politics and stratagem, recruitment and arrangement, determining the place of rest and headqarters, intellegence, strategy and tactics, activities before and after war, teatment of death and injured soldiers are pointed out.


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  • The Journal of International Social Research / Uluslararası Sosyal AraÅŸtırmalar Dergisi ISSN: 1307-9581, an international, peer-reviewed, on the web publication, from 2007 will be issued least four times annualy.
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