Author(s): Selahattin YAKUT*
Satisfaction is an indicator of quality and success in universities as high-level educational institutions representing the brain power of countries. In this respect, satisfaction measurements for university students are important in terms of providing data for universities to identify their strengths and weaknesses. These data come to the fore as an important criterion for improving the educational, social, cultural and sports conditions of the university, which we can consider as the instruments to increase the service quality of universities, and to attract students with high academic success and better equipped academicians. In addition, satisfaction is an issue that can play a triggering role in revealing the potential of individuals and has a psychological depth in terms of students' ability to continue their multidimensional development in a healthy way. The main purpose of our study, which was approved by the Bozok University Ethics Committee's decision numbered E-7027 on 17.02.2021, is to examine the university satisfaction levels and the factors affecting the satisfaction perceptions of Bozok University Faculty of Theology students in terms of various variables. A total of 386 students, 290 (75.1%) female and 96 (24.9%), participated in our research using the Personal Information Form and the "University Student Satisfaction Scale" developed by ?im?ek, ?slim and Öztürk (2019). Satisfaction with Social and Cultural Activities, Satisfaction with the Management of Research and Development Activities, Monitoring, Evaluation and Quality of Educational Education Data on the effects of the six factors: Satisfaction with Management, Satisfaction with the Process and Applications of Education, Satisfaction with the Design of Education, Satisfaction with the Environment and Resources of Educational Instruction T-test, Pearson correlation, Anova and post hoc significance level of the parametric tests in the SPSS program p <0.05 accepted and the following results have been achieved:: It is stated that student overall satisfaction is at a medium level, and that the satisfaction factor reaches the highest average of satisfaction with the Process and Applications of Education; that the variables of class, economic status, geographical region and subjective religiosity make a significant difference on satisfaction; It was determined that there is a positive correlation between factors, general satisfaction and factors.Keywords: Psychology of Religion, Faculty of Theology, Student Satisfaction.
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