
Author(s): Doğan EVECEN, M. Esat HARMANCI

Apart from historians and cultural historians, shehrengizs one of the most important works that we can see from the eyes of poets for Ottoman city life. It is seen that this genre, which started to be seen in Turkish literature from the 16th century onwards, was written mostly for the cities showing social and economic viability. The works known as the verse genre in which the beauties and beauties of the city are being told as shehrengizs, also give information about the political, social, economic and cultural life of the period. Therefore, the citys’ poems give us clues about the poetry, the city and its people. Gelibolu Shehrengiz written by Vechî, has the property of being the first shehrengiz about Gelibolu. This edited work, a classical shehrengiz, has a feature of short shehrengiz compared to the other samples composing of 46 couplets. In the beauty part of the shehrengiz, 10 beauties are being told around properties such as name, profession, nickname/father’s name by couplets in twos. The work being issued in this study is a single copy. In this study, information is given about the life of Vechî, the author of the work which sets an example to this genre, Shehrengiz of Gallipoli were analyzed in terms of form and content and translated with text.


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