
Author(s): Mehmet Emin KAHRAMAN, Bahadır UÇAN

Water, being a part of the world cultural heritage is considered to be the main source of the formation of co-existence and living. As its role on the creation of the universe and mythological systems, water is the basic requirement of life. Life and nature is developing around water, and water as well as creating new habitats, it is a natural beauty of an area or location. In Turkish folk culture, water is holy and described as a panacea. Water is forming the cultural heritage of the world and also with its the economic value can be defined as one of the most demanded natural resource. Environmental problems and growing population of human being is indicating increasement on water pollution in the future centuries. With the discussions on water wars, the world is trying to take precautions against the incoming disaster. Water is gradually increasing its importance as a cultural heritage and economic value and water has been a source of inspiration for caricaturists of Turkey and the world to think and draw on water concept by organizing exhibitions. In this paper, caricaturists and illustrators’ works on water concept will be tried to analyze on their own perspectives. Popular caricaturists and illustrators such as Ali Kashi, Kessusanto Liusvia, R.J. Matson will find place in this paper as well as the caricaturists of Turkey such as Burhanettin Ardagil, Nuri Bilgin with their works will be examined. Water’s definition with drawings will be presented with different styles of different caricaturists. The relationship of art and water, water and humor will be underlined with caricatures


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  • The Journal of International Social Research / Uluslararası Sosyal AraÅŸtırmalar Dergisi ISSN: 1307-9581, an international, peer-reviewed, on the web publication, from 2007 will be issued least four times annualy.
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