Commentary - (2022) Volume 15, Issue 88

Doc. Dr., Professor of Social Sciences, Turkey
*Correspondence: Eda BOZKURT, Doc. Dr., Professor of Social Sciences, Turkey,

Received: May 02, 2022, Manuscript No. jisr-22-54037; Editor assigned: May 05, 2022, Pre QC No. jisr-22-54037 (PQ); Reviewed: May 19, 2022, QC No. jisr-22-54037; Revised: May 23, 2022, Manuscript No. jisr-22-54037 (R); Published: May 30, 2022, DOI: 10.17719/jisr.2022.54037


Latin was studied and used by scholars in many Western countries before. If we, the people, give up all humanities studies and practices, individuals will become more or less machines. Humanities study and practice do not destroy our ecological system and the practices, if resumed or widely continued, are themselves the very sustainability of human tradition and identity.


Human beings, weights, Sustained, Animal, Machines, Existence, Module.


Latince daha önce birçok Batı ülkesinde bilim adamları tarafından incelenmiş ve kullanılmıştır. Eğer biz insanlar, tüm beşeri bilimler çalışmalarını bırakırsak ve uygulamalarla, bireyler az çok makine haline geleceklerdir. Beşeri bilimler çalışmaları ve uygulamaları, ekolojik sistemimizi ve doğayı yok etmez uygulamalar, yeniden başlatılırsa veya geniş çapta sürdürülürse, bizzat insan geleneğinin ve kimliğinin sürdürülebilirliğidir.

Anahtar Kelimeler: İnsan, ağırlıklar, Sürdürülen, Hayvan, Makineler, Varoluş, Modül.


What is the very human condition for us to preserve so that human beings’ existence is sustained? What features are the most important for a human to be labelled as rich, successful or highly respectable? Regarding consumption and possession, is it material (for example, a man or a family or a country is the owner of isolated precious metals such as a large pile of gold bars, or the owner of many houses and cars) or alternatively information (for example someone has a lot of knowledge, or has watched many movies where the amount can be measured by number of bits, or know-how), or both? There are some other human traits which might find difficult to be quantitatively assessed by weights (for material) or bits (information); these characteristics of human beings as an intelligent animal are probably spirituality or morality, etc.

It is said that humanities studies do not apply quantitative scientific methods. I wonder if degree of beauty, degree of honesty, degree of heroism, etc., can be defined or not. Probably what are most important to the sustainability of human beings are virtues (heroism, altruism, honesty, frugality, etc.) and traditions. I watched the American movie Witness several times from which I learnt that the Amish communities are allowed to preserve their lives and live their own traditional life, tolerated by other communities and protected by the government.

For another example, Anson Burlingame (1820–1870), an American, might be regarded as one of the most respectable figures in the history of the modern world: his great diplomatic work for the Chinese Qing Empire (or Manchu Dynasty, 1644–1912) perhaps has prevented China from becoming divided colonies of Western powers. While research, development and production of material objects in our industrial systems depend on resource exploitation, humanities studies and practice themselves may not necessarily need any significant amount of material resources.

Humanities studies deal almost exclusively with information. Latin was studied and used by scholars in many Western countries before. If we, the people, give up all humanities studies and practices, individuals will become more or less machines. Humanities study and practice do not destroy our ecological system and the practices, if resumed or widely continued, are themselves the very sustainability of human tradition and identity. Sustainability of human beings is virtues and traditions.


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